The team at Tandem has been working together for over 24 years serving and putting clients first. We utilize our diverse backgrounds and years of experience for each and every plan and portfolio we build. From backgrounds in finance to healthcare to psychology, we have you covered.
While we use planning software, we can guarantee no two plans, just like no two clients, are the exact same. No one can write a program or create an AI program that can adjust or customize for how unique you and your goals are. We take the complex and make it simple.
We do all this by having two advisors in most, if not all, meetings. Our goal is to work together, in Tandem, with you to ensure those short-term and long-term goals are established and ultimately met.
We’ve managed assets through 7 bear markets – 1987, 1990, 1998, 2002, 2008, 2020, 2022. We’ve worked together for more than 24 years.
Being a fiduciary means putting your interests first. It’s not a slogan, it’s a legal obligation. This also means we charge a fee for our services and do not receive commissions on financial products.
We don’t sell products, we provide service. We pride ourselves in providing a high level of service and this is one of the many things that sets us apart from other financial firms.
Emotions can be an investors worst enemy. We leave our emotions at the front door each morning and implement our disciplined financial strategies. Diversification is the cornerstone of our strategies.
We are not owned by any other firm and are not mandated or pressured to make decisions to increase profits for those firms. We answer only to you, our clients.
Planning for retirement can be extremely stressful. At Tandem, we help alleviate that stress by considering all aspects of a client’s financial needs after retirement including living expenses, insurance, taxes and long-term care.
Protecting and providing for loved ones is an extremely important piece of wealth transfer. Tandem helps clients uncover every aspect of their estate, including all assets and liabilities, to ensure they are prepared no matter what.
Many of our younger clients don’t believe in traditional retirement. We can help build a financial plan that shows them when and how they can become financially independent. With this independence comes greater freedom and choice - a desire many clients seek.
As education costs continue to rise, planning ahead for a child’s future has become more important than ever. Tandem can help families evaluate costs and create a detailed, year-over-year plan to pay for both public and private education.
As finances grow more complex, unfortunately so does the tax liability. Tandem helps clients estimate, and then plan for these costs so when April rolls around, there are no surprises.
As the basis of all finance – whether personal or business – understanding cash flow can sometimes be the most difficult thing for clients. Tandem takes this off a client’s plate so they can instead focus on making (and spending!) their money.
Finances can become more complex over time with investment accounts, 401K’s, savings accounts – and the list continues. Tandem reviews accounts with clients and helps them create a consolidated plan for managing these accounts moving forward.
Tandem partners with financial software company Envestnet/Tamarac to provide all clients with a consolidated view of their finances including bank accounts, mortgages, investments and more.
We work together and help coordinate with your Estate attorney to make sure that not only do you get your estate planning done, but that the assets that need to be changed or re-titled get titled and the beneficiaries that need to be changed actually get changed. We check the titles on your homes, life insurance policies, 401k beneficiaries, and remind you until those changes are completed, ensuring that your estate plan accurately reflects your current wishes and circumstances.
We work closely with your accountant or CPA to ensure a cohesive financial strategy, aligning tax planning with your overall financial goals. Our collaborative approach allows us to provide comprehensive support, enhancing the effectiveness of your financial decisions.
Our team coordinates with your banking professionals to streamline financial transactions and optimize your asset management. By fostering strong relationships with your bankers, we help ensure that your financial structure supports both your immediate needs and long-term objectives.
We collaborate with your insurance agents to integrate your coverage seamlessly into your broader financial plan, ensuring that all aspects of your wealth are protected. This partnership enables us to tailor insurance solutions that complement your investment strategy and life circumstances.
We assist in coordinating with charities to facilitate your philanthropic goals, ensuring that your charitable contributions are implemented effectively and align with your financial planning. Our collaborative efforts help maximize the impact of your giving while optimizing tax benefits.