Wealth Management


Through careful planning and a client web portal that allows clients to link outside accounts, we are able to review and build a comprehensive plan and make sure the various investment accounts all work together.  By linking in your accounts, we can provide a high-level view of your current allocations and we can help answer questions like, “Am I taking enough risk or too much risk in my 401k at work?”  

Corporate Retirement Plans

401k, 403b, 457, Profit Sharing Plan, Defined Benefit Plan

Tandem serves as a co-fiduciary to all our corporate client retirement plans. We guide our clients to manage their fiduciary obligations regarding investments, custody, and expenses. Our goal is to design an innovative plan that addresses all your needs. We don't just meet with the
business owners and plan trustees, we pride ourselves on being available to all plan participants on a one-on-one basis.

Donor Advised Funds, Foundations &
Charitable Organizations

Partnering with your organization to plan and invest to realize its mission and vision. We work directly with investment committees to understand the unique objectives of your organization and tailor solutions across a broad spectrum of offerings. Our solutions range from sophisticated investment strategies to portfolio design expanding beyond simple asset allocations. Our advisors are focused on helping grow your assets while protecting them for the future.

Tax Efficiency

Properly managing annual tax liabilities can save thousands of dollars each year. Tandem understands and keeps up with complex and ever-changing tax codes to ensure our clients are holding on to as much of their hard-earned money as possible.

Account Aggregation

Tandem partners with financial software companies to provide all clients with a consolidated view of their finances including bank accounts, mortgages, investments and more.

Account Optimization

Tandem can optimize the tax and growth characteristics of different account types by using all account ownerships within a household. From Roth and Traditional IRAs to non-retirement accounts like mutual funds, Tandem helps clients manage all investment vehicles.

Account Reviews

Investment accounts can become more complex over time with investment accounts, 401K’s, savings accounts – and the list continues. Tandem reviews accounts with clients and helps them create a consolidated plan for managing these accounts moving forward.

Stock Concentration

Concentrated stock positions can pose extra risk to not only a portfolio, but potentially a successful retirement plan. We custom build strategies to help address these added risks with a tax aware and disciplined approach.

Our Investment

As a fiduciary, we will put your interests first
Treat you with respect, honesty and dignity
Strive to acquire a complete and accurate understanding of your goals, your tolerance for investment risk and your time frame
Meet with you at least once per year to review your investment portfolio
Propose strategies customized to your situation
We do not sell, we serve by providing what we believe to be the best options available for your situation and goals